Saturday, April 7, 2012

Something Fabulous

Something Fabulous

Something fabulous IS out there, & it's not the boogie man! It's your future, as told by your inner voice. I've only recently been listening to my inner voice. Before, when I heard it, I was pretty convinced I was in the early stages of schizophrenia... But I finally came to terms with it & decided maybe this voice & I could be friends.. It's a good inner voice! It tells me positive things- "You can do this! Believe in yourself! You've got this! You'll be a huge success! BUY THOSE SHOES!!!" (Yes, she tells me to buy things. My inner voice is better than a girlfriend when it comes to shopping.) And I've noticed when I feel good about myself, the voice is an even better friend. She's my biggest fan, my own personal cheerleader always rooting me on, taking my hand, helping me to believe..So listen to that inner voice. Become her friend. And find your fabulous future! (And buy those shoes if she says so. As Marilyn said, you can conquer the world in the right shoes.)

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